~WE LAUNCHED A PATREON~ plz check out the link below and support us if you can!
Camp Adulthood Patreon
In this exciting inaugural episode of recordapalooza, Shea and Maddie discuss the launch of their Patreon campaign (see details below), as well as their professional photo shoot, the Little People Party, iGen (aka millennials are old now), the possible start of Camp Adulthood book club, Snap streaks, getting your drivers license, and social media FOMO.
To connect with Shea and Maddie:
Email: hello@campadulthood.com
Twitter and Instagram: @camp_adulthood
Search us on iTunes, we are there!
To see Producer Jennie's travels: @anamerijeninparis
Link to the Atlantic article discussed in the episode: Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?
Now for the Patreon!
You might be asking, what is Patreon? Patreon is a site where you can become a paid subscriber of Camp Adulthood and receive many swags! Its a great way to support the podcast, enable us to achieve the level of audio quality we would like to provide, and help us recoup our initial investment. If you are not able to contribute financially, please consider following us on social media or leaving a review on iTunes-both of those are huge helps in making sure others find out about the podcast! You can read about it or watch the video on the Patreon page below, but just to give you a taste of what you can get from being a paid subscriber:
For $5: Shout out on the podcast and a small swag (most likely a cool sticker)
$10: all before mentioned swag PLUS a medium swag (most likely a cool pen)
$15: all before mentioned swag PLUS a large swag (most likely a handmade friendship bracelet made by a host or producer)
$25: all before mentioned swag PLUS a t-shirt (they are really cool guys we promise) and you get top preference if you send us a campfire topic or millennial moment, we will move it to the front of the list on the episodes!
Please visit this link and THANK YOU in advance for helping us bring this podcast to new heights: Camp Adulthood Patreon