Episode 19: KP / Fiery Red Hot Military Wife and Super Mom

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In this episode, gals talk to KP, an amazing military wife and mother! The 3 discuss stuffed animals, Ponzi schemes, new wave feminism and abortion, amongst many other lighthearted topics!

Links to items discussed in the episode:

Multilevel-marketing companies like LuLaRoe are forcing people into debt and psychological crisis (Quartz article)

Military family and kid resources from KP:
Your local Army Community Service (or its sister service equivalent) is a great place to start when looking for help, workshops, employment information, counseling resources, etc. You can also research online at http://www.militaryonesource.mil, a guide to resources and support for military members and families on topics including moving, finances, family issues, mental health, etc. In my experience, if you have a need or a question, the help or the answer DOES exist! Keep asking questions until you find it. 


This is one of my favorite new discoveries for military kids: http://sesamestreetformilitaryfamilies.org. It has videos, print outs and ideas to help military children and their parents cope with the unique aspects of military life, including moving, deployments, homecomings, even injuries and grief.

New wave feminism resources from KP:
If you want to see the "pro-choice"/"pro-life" dichotomy exploded, check out this group: https://www.newwavefeminists.com/ and read this: http://newwavefeminists.blogspot.com/2016/12/can-you-imagine-world-without-abortion.html. Mind. Blown. 

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